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ReadSpeaker TTS Voices

Bring any speech-enabled application to life with expressive, humanlike voices and engage global audiences. Discover the ReadSpeaker voice library.

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English (US) Female

Terms of Service - This demo is for evaluation purpose only; commercial use is strictly forbidden. No static audio files may be produced, downloaded, or distributed. The background music in the voice demo is not included with the purchased product.

Amir Arabic Male

مَرْحَباً، إسمِي أمير، أنا أحد الأصوات التي يمكنكم إستخدامها عند تفعيل ميزة القراءة الصوتية على موقعكم الالكتروني. وعندما أقرأ النصوص الخاصة بِكُمْ، ستسمعونها بهذه الطريقة.

Ilse Dutch Female

Hallo, ik heet Ilse, ik ben één van de stemmen die u kan gebruiken om uw website van spraak te voorzien. Als ik uw tekst voorlees is dit wat u hoort

Yasmin Arabic Female

مَرْحَباً، إسمِي ياسمين، أنا أحد الأصوات التي يمكنكم إستخدامها عند تفعيل ميزة القراءة الصوتية على موقعكم الالكتروني. وعندما أقرأ النصوص الخاصة بِكُمْ، ستسمعونها بهذه الطريقة.

Sem Dutch Male

Hallo, ik heet Sem, ik ben één van de stemmen die u kan gebruiken om uw website van spraak te voorzien. Als ik uw tekst voorlees is dit wat u hoort

Roser Catalan Female

Hola, el meu nom és Roser i sóc una de les veus que podeu utilitzar per posar veu a la vostra pàgina web. Quan llegeixo un text sona així.

AWARE English (US) Female

Hello, my name is AWARE, I'm one of the voices that you can use to speech enable your website. When I'm reading your text it sounds like this.

Tess Dutch Female

Hallo, ik heet Tess, ik ben één van de stemmen die u kan gebruiken om uw website van spraak te voorzien. Als ik uw tekst voorlees is dit wat u hoort

Kaho Chinese (Cantonese) Male


Lizzy English (US) Female

Hello, my name is Lizzy, I'm one of the voices that you can use to speech enable your website. When I'm reading your text it sounds like this.

Luc Dutch (Belgium) Male

Hallo, ik heet Luc, ik ben één van de stemmen die u kan gebruiken om uw website van spraak te voorzien. Als ik uw tekst voorlees is dit wat u hoort

Kayan Chinese (Cantonese) Female


Molly English (US) Female

Hello, my name is Molly, I'm one of the voices that you can use to speech enable your website. When I'm reading your text it sounds like this.

Hong Chinese (Mandarin) Female


Roy English (US) Male

Hello, my name is Roy, I'm one of the voices that you can use to speech enable your website. When I'm reading your text it sounds like this.

Veerle Dutch (Belgium) Female

Hallo, ik heet Veerle, ik ben één van de stemmen die u kan gebruiken om uw website van spraak te voorzien. Als ik uw tekst voorlees is dit wat u hoort

Hui Chinese (Mandarin) Female


Hina Japanese Female


Jack English (AU) Male

Hello, my name is Jack, I'm one of the voices that you can use to speech enable your website. When I'm reading your text it sounds like this.

Liang Chinese (Mandarin) Male


Kanna Japanese Female


Qiang Chinese (Mandarin) Male


Kota Japanese Male


Alice English (UK) Female

Hello, my name is Alice, I'm one of the voices that you can use to speech enable your website. When I'm reading your text it sounds like this.

Gemma English (UK) Female

Hello, my name is Gemma, I'm one of the voices that you can use to speech enable your website. When I'm reading your text it sounds like this.

Yafang Chinese (Taiwanese) Female


Nao Japanese Female


Kayla English (US) Female

Hello, my name is Kayla, I'm one of the voices that you can use to speech enable your website. When I'm reading your text it sounds like this.

Katka Czech Female

Dobrý den. Jsem jedním z hlasů, které můžete použít při vybavení vaší webové stránky mluvenou řečí. Předčítání vašeho textu bude mít tenhle zvuk.

Robota Japanese Male


Mark English (US) Male

Hello, my name is Mark, I'm one of the voices that you can use to speech enable your website. When I'm reading your text it sounds like this.

Lene Danish Female

Hej, jeg hedder Lene, jeg er en af stemmerne, du kan bruge til oplæsning af hjemmesider. Når jeg læser din tekst, lyder det sådan.

Tsuna Japanese Male


Samuel English (US) Male

Hello, my name is Samuel, I'm one of the voices that you can use to speech enable your website. When I'm reading your text it sounds like this.

Alex Dutch Male

Hallo, ik heet Alex, ik ben één van de stemmen die u kan gebruiken om uw website van spraak te voorzien. Als ik uw tekst voorlees is dit wat u hoort

Majsan Swedish Female

Hej, mitt namn är Majsan och jag är en av rösterna ni kan använda för att talsätta er hemsida. När jag läser en text låter det så här.

Sophie English (US) Female

Hello, my name is Sophie, I'm one of the voices that you can use to speech enable your website. When I'm reading your text it sounds like this.

Anne Dutch Female

Hallo, ik heet Anne, ik ben één van de stemmen die u kan gebruiken om uw website van spraak te voorzien. Als ik uw tekst voorlees is dit wat u hoort

Benoit French Male

Bonjour, mon nom est Benoit, je suis l'une des voix que vous pouvez utiliser pour vocaliser votre site web. Quand je lis votre texte vous entendrez ceci.

Guus Dutch Male

Hallo, ik heet Guus, ik ben één van de stemmen die u kan gebruiken om uw website van spraak te voorzien. Als ik uw tekst voorlees is dit wat u hoort

Hugo French Male

Bonjour, mon nom est Hugo, je suis l'une des voix que vous pouvez utiliser pour vocaliser votre site web. Quand je lis votre texte vous entendrez ceci.

Louis French Male

Bonjour, mon nom est Louis, je suis l'une des voix que vous pouvez utiliser pour vocaliser votre site web. Quand je lis votre texte vous entendrez ceci.

Roxane French Female

Bonjour, mon nom est Roxane, je suis l'une des voix que vous pouvez utiliser pour vocaliser votre site web. Quand je lis votre texte vous entendrez ceci.

Emil German Male

Hallo, mein Name ist Emil, Ich bin eine der Stimmen, mit der Sie Ihre Webseite sprechen lassen können. Wenn ich Ihren Text lese, klingt es so.

Klara German Female

Hallo, mein Name ist Klara, Ich bin eine der Stimmen, mit der Sie Ihre Webseite sprechen lassen können. Wenn ich Ihren Text lese, klingt es so.

Lena German Female

Hallo, mein Name ist Lena, Ich bin eine der Stimmen, mit der Sie Ihre Webseite sprechen lassen können. Wenn ich Ihren Text lese, klingt es so.

Max German Male

Hallo, mein Name ist Max, Ich bin eine der Stimmen, mit der Sie Ihre Webseite sprechen lassen können. Wenn ich Ihren Text lese, klingt es so.

Mason English (AU) Male

Hello, my name is Mason, I'm one of the voices that you can use to speech enable your website. When I'm reading your text it sounds like this.

Fabio Italian Male

Ciao, mi chiamo Fabio. Sono una delle voci che puoi usare per far parlare il tuo sito web. Quando leggo il tuo testo, suona così.

Mia English (AU) Female

Hello, my name is Mia, I'm one of the voices that you can use to speech enable your website. When I'm reading your text it sounds like this.

Gaia Italian Female

Ciao, mi chiamo Gaia. Sono una delle voci che puoi usare per far parlare il tuo sito web. Quando leggo il tuo testo, suona così.

Matteo Italian Male

Ciao, mi chiamo Matteo. Sono una delle voci che puoi usare per far parlare il tuo sito web. Quando leggo il tuo testo, suona così.

Priya English (India) Female

Hello, my name is Priya, I'm one of the voices that you can use to speech enable your website. When I'm reading your text it sounds like this.

Harin Korean Female

안녕하세요, 당신은 귀하의 웹사이트에 사용할 수있는 목소리 중 하나입니다. 당신의 텍스트를 읽고 때, 이렇게 들리 네요.

Shannon English (Ireland) Female

Hello, my name is Shannon, I'm one of the voices that you can use to speech enable your website. When I'm reading your text it sounds like this.

Hyeryun Korean Female

안녕하세요, 당신은 귀하의 웹사이트에 사용할 수있는 목소리 중 하나입니다. 당신의 텍스트를 읽고 때, 이렇게 들리 네요.

Olivia English (New Zealand) Female

Hello, my name is Olivia, I'm one of the voices that you can use to speech enable your website. When I'm reading your text it sounds like this.

Jihun Korean Male

안녕하세요, 당신은 귀하의 웹사이트에 사용할 수있는 목소리 중 하나입니다. 당신의 텍스트를 읽고 때, 이렇게 들리 네요.

Aidan English (Scotland) Male

Hello, my name is Aidan, I'm one of the voices that you can use to speech enable your website. When I'm reading your text it sounds like this.

Isabel Spanish (Castilian) Female

Hola, me llamo Isabel. Soy una de las voces que puede utilizar para poner voz a su sitio web. Cuando leo un texto suena así.

Iona English (Scotland) Female

Hello, my name is Iona, I'm one of the voices that you can use to speech enable your website. When I'm reading your text it sounds like this.

Pilar Spanish (Castilian) Female

Hola, me llamo Pilar. Soy una de las voces que puede utilizar para poner voz a su sitio web. Cuando leo un texto suena así.

Alyssa English (South Africa) Female

Hello, my name is Alyssa, I'm one of the voices that you can use to speech enable your website. When I'm reading your text it sounds like this.

Maja Swedish Female

Hej, mitt namn är Maja och jag är en av rösterna ni kan använda för att talsätta er hemsida. När jag läser en text låter det så här.

Adam English (UK) Male

Hello, my name is Adam, I'm one of the voices that you can use to speech enable your website. When I'm reading your text it sounds like this.

Barwyn English (UK) Male

Hello, my name is Barwyn, I'm one of the voices that you can use to speech enable your website. When I'm reading your text it sounds like this.

Branwen English (UK) Female

Hello, my name is Branwen, I'm one of the voices that you can use to speech enable your website. When I'm reading your text it sounds like this.

Bridget English (UK) Female

Hello, my name is Bridget, I'm one of the voices that you can use to speech enable your website. When I'm reading your text it sounds like this.

Beth English (US) Female

Hello, my name is Beth, I'm one of the voices that you can use to speech enable your website. When I'm reading your text it sounds like this.

Erin English (US) Female

Hello, my name is Erin, I'm one of the voices that you can use to speech enable your website. When I'm reading your text it sounds like this.

Julie English (US) Female

Hello, my name is Julie, I'm one of the voices that you can use to speech enable your website. When I'm reading your text it sounds like this.

Kate English (US) Female

Hello, my name is Kate, I'm one of the voices that you can use to speech enable your website. When I'm reading your text it sounds like this.

Paul English (US) Male

Hello, my name is Paul, I'm one of the voices that you can use to speech enable your website. When I'm reading your text it sounds like this.

Elina Finnish Female

Hei, nimeni on Elina. Olen yksi niistä äänistä, jonka voit valita lukemaan ääneen websivusi. Kun luen tekstisi kuulostan tältä.

Elise French Female

Bonjour, mon nom est Elise, je suis l'une des voix que vous pouvez utiliser pour vocaliser votre site web. Quand je lis votre texte vous entendrez ceci.

Chloe French (Canada) Female

Bonjour, mon nom est Chloe, je suis l'une des voix que vous pouvez utiliser pour vocaliser votre site web. Quand je lis votre texte vous entendrez ceci.

Tim German Male

Hallo, mein Name ist Tim, Ich bin eine der Stimmen, mit der Sie Ihre Webseite sprechen lassen können. Wenn ich Ihren Text lese, klingt es so.

Irini Greek Female

Γεια σας, είμαι μια από τις φωνές που μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε στην ιστοσελίδα σας. Όταν διαβάζω το κείμενο σας, ακούγεται σαν αυτό.

Yael Hebrew Female

שלום, אני הוא אחד הקולות שאתה יכול לעשות שימוש בו להפוך את האתר שלך למאפשר המרת טקסט לדיבור.

Diya Hindi Female

सुनिए मेरा नाम लेखा है. मेरी आवाज़ आप अपने वेब साईट पर चालू कर सकते हैं. ठीक इसी तरह जैसे अभी आप मेरी आवाज़ सुन रहें हैं.

Attila Hungarian Male

Üdvözlöm! A nevem Attila, én az egyik hang vagyok, amellyel felolvastathatja a honlapját. A felolvasás így hangzik.

Kinga Hungarian Female

Üdvözlöm! A nevem Kinga, én az egyik hang vagyok, amellyel felolvastathatja a honlapját. A felolvasás így hangzik.

Hildur Icelandic Female

Hæ. Ég er ein af þeim röddum sem þú getur notað til að láta vefinn þinn tala. Þegar ég les þinn texta, hljómar hann svona.

Annisa Indonesian Female

Halo nama saya Annisa. Saya salah satu suara yang Anda dapat gunakan untuk mengaktifkan suara pada website Anda. Ketika saya membaca teks anda, akan terdengar seperti ini.

Bayu Indonesian Male

Halo nama saya Bayu. Saya salah satu suara yang Anda dapat gunakan untuk mengaktifkan suara pada website Anda. Ketika saya membaca teks anda, akan terdengar seperti ini.

Elisa Italian Female

Ciao, mi chiamo Elisa. Sono una delle voci che puoi usare per far parlare il tuo sito web. Quando leggo il tuo testo, suona così.

Gina Italian Female

Ciao, mi chiamo Gina. Sono una delle voci che puoi usare per far parlare il tuo sito web. Quando leggo il tuo testo, suona così.

Roberto Italian Male

Ciao, mi chiamo Roberto. Sono una delle voci che puoi usare per far parlare il tuo sito web. Quando leggo il tuo testo, suona così.

Akira Japanese Male


Erica Japanese Female


Haruka Japanese Female


Hayato Japanese Male


Hikari Japanese Female


Mayu Japanese Female


Misaki Japanese Female


Risa Japanese Female


Ryo Japanese Male


Sayaka Japanese Female


Show Japanese Male


Takeru Japanese Male


Yuina Japanese Female


Yuuji Japanese Male


Yuuka Japanese Female


Dayoung Korean Female

안녕하세요, 당신은 귀하의 웹사이트에 사용할 수있는 목소리 중 하나입니다. 당신의 텍스트를 읽고 때, 이렇게 들리 네요.

Hyuna Korean Female

안녕하세요, 당신은 귀하의 웹사이트에 사용할 수있는 목소리 중 하나입니다. 당신의 텍스트를 읽고 때, 이렇게 들리 네요.

Jimin Korean Female

안녕하세요, 당신은 귀하의 웹사이트에 사용할 수있는 목소리 중 하나입니다. 당신의 텍스트를 읽고 때, 이렇게 들리 네요.

Junwoo Korean Male

안녕하세요, 당신은 귀하의 웹사이트에 사용할 수있는 목소리 중 하나입니다. 당신의 텍스트를 읽고 때, 이렇게 들리 네요.

Maru Korean Male

안녕하세요, 당신은 귀하의 웹사이트에 사용할 수있는 목소리 중 하나입니다. 당신의 텍스트를 읽고 때, 이렇게 들리 네요.

Sena Korean Female

안녕하세요, 당신은 귀하의 웹사이트에 사용할 수있는 목소리 중 하나입니다. 당신의 텍스트를 읽고 때, 이렇게 들리 네요.

Yumi Korean Female

안녕하세요, 당신은 귀하의 웹사이트에 사용할 수있는 목소리 중 하나입니다. 당신의 텍스트를 읽고 때, 이렇게 들리 네요.

Yura Korean Female

안녕하세요, 당신은 귀하의 웹사이트에 사용할 수있는 목소리 중 하나입니다. 당신의 텍스트를 읽고 때, 이렇게 들리 네요.

Oskars Latvian Male

Sveiki, mani sauc Oskars. Es esmu viena no balsīm, ko varat izmantot, lai atskaņotu Jūsu mājas lapu. Kad es lasu Jūsu tekstu, tas skan šādi.

Lykke Norwegian (Bokmål) Female

Hei, mitt navn er Lykke. Jeg er en av stemmene du kan bruke for å lytte til tekst på nettstedet ditt. Når jeg leser tekst, høres det slik ut.

Aneta Polish Female

Witaj jestem jednym z głosów który umożliwia czytanie twojej strony. Kiedy czytam twój tekst to brzmi tak.

Carolina Portuguese Female

Olá, meu nome é Carolina, eu sou uma das vozes que você pode utilizar para fazer o seu site falar. Quando eu leio seu texto soa assim.

Tiago Portuguese Male

Olá, meu nome é Tiago, eu sou uma das vozes que você pode utilizar para fazer o seu site falar. Quando eu leio seu texto soa assim.

Adina Romanian Female

Salut, eu sunt una dintre vocile pe care le poţi folosi pentru website-ul tău. Iată cum sună textul tău atunci cand îl citesc eu.

Teodor Romanian Male

Salut, eu sunt una dintre vocile pe care le poţi folosi pentru website-ul tău. Iată cum sună textul tău atunci cand îl citesc eu.

Aleksei Russian Male

Здравствуйте, меня зовут , и это один из голосов, который вы можете использовать для озвучивания вашего сайта. Ваш текст будет произнесен так, как я его читаю.

Vera Russian Female

Здравствуйте, меня зовут , и это один из голосов, который вы можете использовать для озвучивания вашего сайта. Ваш текст будет произнесен так, как я его читаю.

Jakub Slovak Male

Dobrý den, volám sa Jakub. Som jedným z hlasov, ktorým môžu byt Vaše webové stránky cítané. Ked cítam Váš text, znie takto.

Simona Slovak Female

Dobrý den, volám sa Simona. Som jedným z hlasov, ktorým môžu byt Vaše webové stránky cítané. Ked cítam Váš text, znie takto.

Alba Spanish (Argentina) Female

Hola, me llamo Alba. Soy una de las voces que puede utilizar para poner voz a su sitio web. Cuando leo un texto suena así.

Lola Spanish (Castilian) Female

Hola, me llamo Lola. Soy una de las voces que puede utilizar para poner voz a su sitio web. Cuando leo un texto suena así.

Manuel Spanish (Castilian) Male

Hola, me llamo Manuel. Soy una de las voces que puede utilizar para poner voz a su sitio web. Cuando leo un texto suena así.

Violeta Spanish (Mexico) Female

Hola, me llamo Violeta. Soy una de las voces que puede utilizar para poner voz a su sitio web. Cuando leo un texto suena así.

Karin Swedish Female

Hej, mitt namn är Karin och jag är en av rösterna ni kan använda för att talsätta er hemsida. När jag läser en text låter det så här.

Sven Swedish Male

Hej, mitt namn är Sven och jag är en av rösterna ni kan använda för att talsätta er hemsida. När jag läser en text låter det så här.

Saga Swedish (Finland) Female

Hej, mitt namn är Saga och jag är en av rösterna ni kan använda för att talsätta er hemsida. När jag läser en text låter det så här.

Sarawut Thai Male

สวัสดีครับ ผมเป็นหนึ่งในเสียงที่ท่านสามารถเลือกใช้งานระบบเสียงพูดบนเว็บไซต์ของท่าน เมื่อผมอ่านข้อความของท่าน จะเป็นเสียงนี้

Somsi Thai Female

สวัสดีครับ ผมเป็นหนึ่งในเสียงที่ท่านสามารถเลือกใช้งานระบบเสียงพูดบนเว็บไซต์ของท่าน เมื่อผมอ่านข้อความของท่าน จะเป็นเสียงนี้

Ozan Turkish Male

Merhaba, ben web sayfanızı seslendirmek için kullanabileceğiniz seslerden biriyim. Sayfanızdaki metinleri okurken ses böyle olacak.

Seda Turkish Female

Merhaba, ben web sayfanızı seslendirmek için kullanabileceğiniz seslerden biriyim. Sayfanızdaki metinleri okurken ses böyle olacak.

Mila Ukrainian Female

Привіт, мене звати , і я один із голосів, який ви можете використовувати для озвучування вашого сайту. Ваш текст буде вимовлений так, як я його зараз читаю.

Mai Vietnamese Female

Xin chào, tôi tên là Mai. Các bạn có thể lựa chọn giọng của tôi để chuyển văn bản trên website của mình thành giọng nói. Khi tôi đọc, văn bản sẽ nghe như sau.

Anwen Welsh Female

Helo, fi yw'r llais Cymraeg, fi yw un o'r lleisiau y gallwch eu defnyddio wrth alluogi eich gwefan â llais. Wrth ddarllen eich testun, mae'n swnio fel hyn.

Arwyn Welsh Male

Helo, fi yw'r llais Cymraeg, fi yw un o'r lleisiau y gallwch eu defnyddio wrth alluogi eich gwefan â llais. Wrth ddarllen eich testun, mae'n swnio fel hyn.

Want to try a dynamic demo of ReadSpeaker’s AI voices for your application?

Get in touch with our sales team to request a full demo with your own content.

Explore ReadSpeaker's AI voices

See our Languages & Voices page for a complete list of available languages for each solution.

ReadSpeaker text-to-speech voices are humanlike, relatable voices. There are 110+ voices available in 35+ languages, with more on their way. Meet the ReadSpeaker TTS family of high-quality voice personas and put them to the test.


Industry-Leading TTS Voices

At ReadSpeaker, we have a passion for developing high-quality TTS voices. In fact, expert third party industry observers rate the US English ReadSpeaker TTS voice as being the most accurate on the market.

The enthusiastic feedback we receive from our customers confirms that we deliver the very best TTS solutions for successful online, offline, embedded, and server-based applications around the world.

Our commitment to providing outstanding TTS solutions is made possible by our uncompromising production process, designed to guarantee the quality levels that have earned ReadSpeaker TTS the trust of customers from across countries and markets.

Roy English (US) Male

Hello, my name is Roy, I'm one of the voices that you can use to speech enable your website. When I'm reading your text it sounds like this.

Julie English (US) Female

Hello, my name is Julie, I'm one of the voices that you can use to speech enable your website. When I'm reading your text it sounds like this.

G2 High Performer Award
2023 Stevie Awards Winner
Someone speaking on a microphone

How Our TTS Voices Are Made

To create our speech personas, we select and record professional voice talents.

Once a voice talent has been selected, she or he works with our voice development team for several days or weeks, depending on the type of voice, or the voice technology, we want to use.

A diverse script is used for the recordings, designed to contain all the sound patterns of the language in development. The team closely monitors the recording process to check for consistency in pronunciation, accentuation, and style.

Neural Voices

ReadSpeaker creates so-called neural voices, using techniques based on deep learning AI technology. This revolutionary method involves mapping linguistic properties to acoustic features using Deep Neural Networks (DNNs)

An iterative learning process minimises objectively measurable differences between the predicted acoustic features and the observed acoustic features in the training set.

One of the advantages of the new DNN TTS method is that the acoustic database can be much smaller than for a USS voice. Only a few hours of recorded speech are needed for a neural voice, compared to at least three times as many for a good quality USS voice.

Also, the resulting speech is generally smoother and even more human-like. This makes developing new, smart ReadSpeaker TTS voices with even more lifelike, expressive speech and customizable intonation faster than ever.

Custom voices

If your strategy is to offer an exclusive customer experience and you want to take your brand appeal to a new level, one of the most powerful ways to differentiate yourself is by using a custom voice to represent you.

A custom voice sets your brand apart and creates a powerful bond with your customers across your various communication touchpoints. If a preferred celebrity or other talent reflects your brand best and you want to be able to use their voice anytime you need it.

ReadSpeaker can create a custom TTS voice powered by our leading-edge speech engine, to give your brand instant recognition in the voice user interface.

Custom voices solutions